Government House, Rotorua. Near the finish line for the Tarawera Ultramarathon
We are in Rotorua this weekend participating in the Tarawera Ultra Marathon. Mary is running a half-marathon, her first organized trail run. I will be attempting the 102 kilometers (roughly 60 miles) distance. This race is on the Ultra Trail World Tour. Some of the best trail runners in the world will be competing this weekend. It is by far the most prestigious event I have taken part in and the atmosphere and professionalism I’ve experienced thus far surpass other races I have been a part of.
Preparing for this event has been a great motivator over the past six months. It has pushed me to explore New Zealand to an extent I probably would not have otherwise. Wellington is known for having harsh weather. Training for Tarawera has given me the extra push to get out the door on days when the wind is howling and the rain is coming in sideways. No matter what happens during the event, it’s the preparation that makes it all worthwhile.
Finishing a big endeavor feels great. The sense of elation at getting through something challenging can overpower your emotions. But you only earn that feeling after putting in the miles. The feelings of accomplishment quickly fade into the hum of everyday life, but nothing can take away the hard work and preparation that went into it. Achieving a goal is a wonderful thing, but remember that the real value is in the things you do along the way to get there.
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